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Joe Pellegrino Speaks on Going from Good To Great

Thursday, May 26, 2022

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Joe Pellegrino shared an impassioned message today at the May 2022 VBCBA Luncheon at Southern Social. Here are his notes.


by Joe Pellegrino

1. Know Yourself! Start with these two questions:
• Who am I really?
• Who am I really not?
• You see in order to move from good to great you need to identify who you are and put to death who you are not!

2. Understand Your Uniqueness
In his workshop, “Always Increase Your Confidence”, Dan Sullivan says activities fall into four distinct areas:
• Incompetent - What incompetent means is those activities that always lead to failure and frustration. It doesn't matter how much I try; I'm never going to be any good at these.
• Competent - Competent means those activities where I'm able to perform at minimally accepted standards and even there it takes an enormous amount of effort.
• Excellent - Excellent are those activities where I have superior skills that come to me very easily, but I have no particular passion for them.
• Unique Ability - Unique Ability is found in those activities where four things are always true:
• I have a superior skill - Strengths
• I love these activities and can't get enough of doing them – Gets me out of the bed in the morning
• It always energizes me when other people are energized by my performance - Passion
• I keep getting better at these activities
I call this the convergence zone, the place where your strengths and passions meet. We are so much more productive operating in our convergence zone.
Understanding that God did not wire me to swing a hammer effectively, it simply goes against the grain. But he did create me to be a fix-it person, someone who helps others maximize their unique ability.

3. Your Attitude
Why? Attitude is the only thing you can control
It’s how you respond to any situation
Attitude will truly determine your altitude
Giving our best effort in any situation is essential but there is more that must be done to move from good to Great.

4. Build Strong Relationships.
Surround yourself with people who will:
• Build you up
• Challenge you
• Hold you accountable

5. Connect Emotionally.
When we take the time to know ourselves and truly invest in getting to know others, you will begin to see their:
• Strengths
• Weaknesses
• Passions
• Character

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